World TB Day

On March 24th 2021, World TB Day, Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur, stated that “Before the COVID-19 pandemic, TB control was making progress towards the sustainable development goals but, according to WHO, COVID-19 has set back TB control by 8 years!”.  In 2020, COVID-19 overtook TB as the leading cause of human death due to a single infectious agent.  Cole also said that “Governments have learned that Emerging Infectious Diseases like COVID-19 must no longer be neglected but policy makers must not forget that TB is a greater long-term threat than COVID-19 and need to plan accordingly. ERA4TB is an important part of the plan.” Since it first appeared, TB has claimed an estimated 1 billion lives around the world and, as recently as 70 years ago, was a leading cause of death in Europe.  Today, TB remains highly prevalent in developing countries.

Video ‘Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Tuberculosis Research’ by Stewart Cole (Institut Pasteur, Paris) recorded at the recent ERA4TB meeting.

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